Wednesday 27 April 2011

Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge.", right? So I'm not going to argue convex or whatever thing with you.

Now, think that a 3D hexagon is a stack of 2D hexagons. No problem with this? Continue to the second step.

Now here's the 2D hexagon :

And the 3D hexagon :

Now think that the 3D hexagon has been sliced into very very small 2D hexagons.
And imagine that the 2D hexagon at the stack of the height g.
Now, imagine that the 2D hexagon has the radius of t/2(look at the 2D hexagon).

Now continue the steps for every stack of 2D hexagon.
Then you'll find that you're re-building the 3D hexagon and knowing the radius of 2D hexagons in every slices.


If then, we can conclude that 3D hexagon consists of 2D hexagons whose radius changes by the t changes with respect to the g changes (see the 2D hexagon)


  1. I'm so sorry that I don't know how to make animations...

  2. hope you understand. I apologize for my broken english, since that I'm only 11 years old.

  3. well what I want to say is that you can find its volume my using integrate([area of polygon](replace x by the [equation of polygon]). Just like the solid of revolution, just that it's not making a circular object.


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